
Friday, June 5, 2015

Cellulite: Myth Vs. Fact

Feeling stuck to a lifetime of pesky cellulite? You’re not alone: about 90 percent of women are affected by it at some point in their lives. And while some facts don’t make us feel any better, it’s important to know there are ways to banish those bumps! In an effort to clarify the myths, here are three facts

Myth: Cellulite only happens to people out of shape.
Fact: This is an absolute myth. While being overweight does make cellulite more noticeable, it can happen to people of all shapes and sizes. Even Victoria’s Secret models? Yes, them too. They might eat clean, work out often, and do everything they can to prevent the appearance of cellulite, but they still have it.

Myth: Exercise can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Fact: It’s true! Having a regular exercise routine may not be the cure for cellulite, but it sure can help prevent it from being noticeable. Keep elasticity of the skin strong by making muscles under the skin firm. Toning muscles that target the areas with cellulite will tighten the skin, which gives the illusion that it’s gone!

Myth: Creams can cure cellulite.
Fact: Unfortunately, there are many skin-firming creams on the market that just won’t do. Disregard what you read on labels whether prescribed or bought over the counter. Creams do not have the magic to permanently reduce cellulite. However, it is said that products containing retinoids can create thicker skin, camouflaging the appearance we so desperately want to get rid of.

Have you tried using creams and other stimulant ingredients that only leave you feeling disappointed? At Radiance Medspa, we offer Cellulite Reduction services to help you get the firm skin you desire! Schedule your free consultation with us and receive $50 off your initial Radiance Treatment Package.

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media. 

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