
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Skincare Commandments To Live By

We constantly obsess over wellness, fitness, and skincare. We read countless amounts of articles that tell us one thing (and then another). Although you might receive different advice, the message remains the same: take care of your body and your skin will thank you! Here are five of the top skincare commandments that stem from healthy habits:

Remove Your Makeup
There’s plenty of women who wouldn’t dare to leave the house without makeup, even if it means just going to the gym. But before you doll yourself up before hitting the treadmill, consider this: when perspiration mixes with cosmetics, you cause a buildup of bacteria that seeps into your pores. So skip applying makeup pre-workout (including tinted moisturizer). Sleeping with makeup is also a big no-no. Why? Because the chemicals used in makeup today can stay in your pores if you don’t use the products properly. In other words, remove before sleep!

Apply Toner
There’s a huge difference between those who use toner and those who won’t. Those who skip toner usually have more congested and enlarged pores. Also, keep in mind that it’s important to apply toner after cleansing and before putting on makeup. Toner acts as a drying alcohol, which can help your makeup to stay intact all day long.

Use Sunscreen on the Daily
We’ve got to mention this one! The number one way to prevent skin cancer, brown spots, and signs of aging is to find a sunscreen product that works for your skin type. Be sure to apply every 30 minutes, and always buy waterproof!

Take a Probiotic
They say you are what you eat. Aside from avoiding inflammatory foods like dairy and gluten, make sure you take a probiotic daily to ensure that your digestive track is working well. The way probiotics work is by introducing more friendly bacteria in your system, which can ultimately improve acne and clear up your skin for the long term.

Sleep Enough
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again - beauty sleep isn’t just a myth! Giving yourself 8 to 10 hours of sleep can help the body repair itself, including skin imperfections. Not only can it cure acne, but when you wear an eye pillow (preferably filled with lavender), you can prevent under eye puffiness and wake up feeling refreshed!

Make a promise to yourself to follow these top skincare commandments and the results should come! And don’t forget to pamper yourself with facial treatments from Radiance Medspa! We believe that everyone’s skin deserves special treatment, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach to help you look and feel nothing short of radiant!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

DIY Facials for All Skin Types

Flip through any women’s magazine and chances are you’ll come across the latest facial mask to clear up your acne or hydrate your dry skin. But sometimes it’s better to go straight to the professionals for advice, so we’ve gathered up three aesthetician-approved DIY facials that can temporarily fix those pesky skin imperfections:

Lemon and Oatmeal Mask
This facial is ideal for those with oily skin. With lemon and a touch of honey, you can reduce the buildup of dirt and oil in your pores and brighten pigmentation as well as acne scars.

½ cup uncooked rolled oats
4 tbsps lemon juice
Honey (optional)

Blend the first two ingredients together until you create a paste-like texture. Add in honey. Apply to skin and let settle for about 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat twice a week.

Flaxseed Mask
This facial works great for eliminating dead skin cells and hydrating dry skin after - especially after a long winter!

½ cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp ground flax seed meal

Instructions:Mix ingredients together in a bowl with a spoon. Apply the mask to skin using a facial brush. Gently massage for 30 seconds and let it sit for up to 2 minutes. Let the lactose in the yogurt dissolve dead skin cells while the honey works to hydrate your skin. The ground flaxseed meal acts as a “physical exfoliant”, which gently lifts dead skin cells.

Nutmeg and Milk Exfoliating Mask
This facial works well for healing sensitive skin, while soothing and exfoliating the skin.

½ tbsp ground nutmeg
1 tbsp whole milk

Mix nutmeg and milk into a small bowl and stir. Apply the mask to your skin (freshly washed and makeup free). Gently massage into your face in small circles, and don’t forget your décolleté! Let mask sit for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Pat face dry using a facial sponge or clean, dry cloth. Apply moisturizer afterwards. Nutmeg has a natural antibacterial and calming properties, which heal sensitive skin, and whole milk can help naturally exfoliate and hydrate.

Need a facial that works more intensively to nourish the skin and treat any skin imperfections you’ve got? Radiance Medspa offers several types of facial treatments - tailored to your unique skin type so that you look nothing short of radiant!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Eat These Nuts for Flawless Skin

If breakouts and irritations are driving you nuts, pack yourself a few of these tasty snacks:  

Rich in fatty acids, these tree nuts can prevent skin disorders (not to mention, reduce stress). Turns out that packing ¼ cup of walnuts can provide you with 95 percent of your daily omega-3 requirements. And if these nuts can reduce stress, they can also lead to less wrinkles.

This salty snack not only tastes good in a salad, but also gives you plenty of fiber. Because fiber has the ability to eliminate toxins from your body, pecans can also limit your chances for future breakouts, as well as dullness and excess oil. Say you’ll give them a try?

This popular snack option is full of fiber, protein, and fatty acids - need we say more? Due to fatty acids, almonds can reduce inflammation, and due to fiber, they can also help treat skin disorders such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Pumpkin Seeds
Packed with vitamin E, these seeds can help give you that warm and healthy glow! Plus, they help to promote regeneration of skin cells and fight off bacteria that commonly leads to acne breakouts.

Nuts are best when eaten raw and unsalted. Now that you know just how great these foods are for your skin, why not incorporate them into your diet? For the best and most radiance skincare results, treat yourself to a facial at Radiance Medspa! We believe that everyone’s skin deserves special treatment, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pamper Yourself for Weddings

Spring is the start of wedding season! Whether you’re a bride, mother of the bride, or maid of honor, feeling healthy and beautiful is all a part of feeling good on the big day. Here are a few ways to treat your mind and body before celebrating:

Teeth Whitening 
You’ll be smiling for the camera - a lot! So why not brighten up your pearly whites? Many toothpastes have whitening ingredients in them, but for faster results you can pick up one of those special whitening strips or ask a professional to whiten your teeth about six months prior to the party.

Healthy Diet
Eating loads of sugar and sodium can make you feel sluggish and bloated on the big day. Switch to eating lots of fresh vegetables and fruits (and even a little dark chocolate). Shy away from highly processed carbs as well and try not to binge on junk food. The biggest piece of advice? Cook as often as you can!

Hair and Trial
You might have an idea of what you want your hair and makeup to look like for the wedding, but it might look completely different in person. Schedule a trial a few weeks prior so you can make adjustments as needed.

Get a smooth face before you or your loved one walks down the aisle. Medspas offer plenty of customized facials to help you achieve a healthy skin tone and banish those pesky imperfects.

At Radiance Medspa, treat yourself to one of our many facial treatments! We believe that everyone’s skin deserves special treatment, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach to help you look and feel nothing short of radiant on the big day!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What Are The Common Causes Of Skin Damage?

Healthy skin is everything. It gives us a boost of confidence and makes us feel like we’re doing something right. Unfortunately, there are certain culprits that can damage our skin without us even realizing it. Here are the top five causes and how they impact your skin’s health:

Sun Exposure
You might think getting a tan looks healthy, but in reality, getting color is your body’s way of healing damaged skin. Not to mention, ultraviolet rays that you expose yourself to can cause the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin - one of the reasons tanning bed addicts have such dry, wrinkly skin. To avoid skin damage, stay out of the sun for long periods of time and wear protective clothing on top of sunscreen. Rule of thumb: 30 SPF or higher - apply every hour to two hours. 

It is commonly known that smokers don’t necessarily have the healthiest skin. Smoking cigarettes causes your blood vessels that nurture the outer layers of your skin to constrict, leading to more wrinkles. 

From detergent to cleaning products and even facial cleansers, there are many irritants that can cause allergies or facial redness to arise. For example, ammonia has the tendency to irritate the skin, so wash your hands thoroughly after washing clothes and try to eliminate products with harmful chemicals for your skin’s benefit.

Poor DietNot eating enough antioxidants in fruits and vegetables as well as drinking too little can have a major impact on your skin. Make sure to: maintain a balanced diet (but allow yourself cheat days), increase your intake of omega-2 fatty acids can keep skin-cell membranes strong, and boost your intake of water each day for hydrated skin.

Free Radicals
What exactly are free radicals? Free radicals are “unstable oxygen molecules with a single electron”. They are a result of long exposure to tobacco, and researchers believe that they pay a part in the development of skin cancer. To help lessen the effect that free radicals have on your skin, we recommend you increase your intake of vitamins C and E and maintain a healthy diet filled with vegetables and fruits rich of antioxidants.

Looking for new and innovative ways to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy? Treat yourself to one of our many facial treatments! We believe that everyone’s skin deserves special treatment, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach to help you look and feel nothing short of radiant!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Spring Forward With A New Skincare Routine

The winter and spring may be close in season, but they have two completely different reactions in your skin. Remember how dry your arms and legs felt around the holidays? We do! But chances are your skin is starting to change along with the warmer weather. And just the way you switch up your wardrobe, your skincare routine should be renewed too!   

Consider these expert tips to switch things up and prep your skin for the changing seasons:

If you’re looking for a further assistance with adopting a new skincare routine, turn to Radiance Medspa! We offer many skincare treatments, like Chemical Peels - designed to correct the skin’s pigmentation and reduce pesky, winter redness!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Best Foods For Your Skin

Want to achieve a radiance glow without throwing money away for skincare products that don’t work? The key to healthy skin is in part due to your diet. After all, “you are what you eat”! Here are a few of the best foods for radiant skin and why they work:

Yogurt - Pick up some greek yogurt at the grocery store for a smoother complexion. The protein you receive from eating yogurt protects your skin from wrinkles. Take an extra step and apply a yoghurt soothing gel to the skin to cure irritations.

Dark Chocolate - We’ve heard it be said a few times. When you eat some chocolate that’s at least 70 percent cocoa, you can boost the levels of antioxidants in your diet. Plus, the caffeine in dark chocolate can temporarily reduce puffiness - perfect for those rough weeks at work!

Walnuts - Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to boost your skin's collagen production. Grab a handful as a snack before lunch or dinner and watch your complexion transform!

Green Tea - Beat winter redness with a cup of green tea, which helps to fight inflammation of the skin. Green tea is high in antioxidants, including EGCG, and has an overall calming effect on the body.  Steep daily for about 3 to 5 minutes and sup for the best results.

Incorporating these yummy foods into your diet is a sure way to promote healthier skin. And don’t forget to pamper yourself with facial treatments from Radiance Medspa! We believe that everyone’s skin deserves special treatment, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach to help you look and feel nothing short of radiant!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Are You Making These Skincare Slip Ups?

The road to beautiful skin is paved with misinformation. If you are not satisfied with your skin, your skincare routine might be to blame. Below are some of the most common skincare blunders people make. 

You Don't Know What Is In Your Skincare Products
Do you know what kinds of chemicals you are putting on your skin? If not, be sure to read the label. Avoid products that contain isopropyl alcohol--as it can lead to skin redness and premature aging. 

You Exfoliate Too Often
Exfoliating too much can cause more harm than good. When it comes to exfoliating, less is definitely more. 

You Pick At Your Pimples
When you have a breakout, pick at your pimples. Touching the pimple will only spread bacteria and make the problem worse.

Your Diet Is Not Skin Friendly
They say you are what you eat. It turns out, it's true! What you eat does have an impact on your skin. Be sure to incorporate essential fatty acids into your diet and drink plenty of water. 

Have you fallen victim to some of these skincare faux pas? Don't fret. Just turn to Radiance Medspa. We offer plenty of facial and cosmetic services that can reverse any damage that has been done to your skin. We will help you find the treatment that is right for you and your budget. 

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Curing Your Acne

You already know that acne is one of the most common skin occurrences. In fact, more than 70 million people in the U.S have suffered from acne at some point in their lives. And if you’re like most, then you probably grew up trying to hide behind the redness.

If you’re feeling defeated by acne and over-the-counter products aren’t working, then consider these crucial cures:

Reduce stress. The first step is to take deep breaths. You might hate these unsightly bumps, but freaking out over them won’t make matters better. Also, sleep often and well. We recommend getting eight hours of sleep each night to reduce excess cortisol and allow your skin to regenerate.

Exercise often. It’s not just a myth! Exercise can help reduce stress as well as reduce excess cortisol and produce endorphins. Working out means your skin cells will receive more oxygen, making it difficult for acne bacteria to grow.

Cleanse gently. No matter what type of cleanser you’re using, if you’re not washing your face properly, you might as well be using any product. Approach the skin with care by not overdoing it with products. For example, using an acne face wash, an acne lotion, as well as an anti-aging cream might dry out the skin and cause more breakouts. So start by washing your face twice a day with a salicylic acid cleanser to wash away dirt and oils and exfoliate.

Visit a Medspa. Medspas are known for their beneficial skincare treatments. For example, if you’re looking to safely treat acne and reduce facial redness, you might want to consider chemical peels. This type of skin treatment uses advanced skincare technology and helps to rejuvenate the skin.

Radiance Medspa offers different types of peels that can be used together or separately to cure your acne. And we believe that everyone’s skin should be treated uniquely, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach for all of our clients.

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.
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Friday, February 19, 2016

#FeelGoodFriday: How to Feel Confident in Your Skin

How many times have you picked up a magazine or turned on the TV only to see a perfect body that makes you tear yourself apart? With so many unrealistic expectations we face, it can be hard to hold yourself up. We know how it feels, but with a little more love you can feel a whole lot better about yourself (inside and out).

The best place to start is within. We know it sounds cheesy, but hear us out:

Step 1. Embrace Uniqueness
Everyone has something they don’t love about themselves - their legs, lips, arms- you name it. But instead of letting those unique qualities defeat you, what if you started to embrace them? Look in the mirror; tell yourself that you’re beautiful. Then repeat. Don’t forget that you are your harshest critic, so what you might dislike, other people might love. But regardless, when you feel good on the inside, it reflects on the outside. And what you didn’t once love, you will soon begin to embrace.

Step 2. Protect Your Skin
Be healthy. Wear sunscreen to save your skin from burns and eat healthy foods rich in vitamin E. Avocado, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all excellent sources of skin-healthy foods. Cleanse your skin and exfoliate day and night. When you take good care of your body from the inside out, you put your mind a little more at ease knowing that you’re putting your priorities first.  

Step 3. Quit Bad Habits
Skip on those bad habits you’ve gotten yourself into. Smoking, lack of sleep, poor posture - all of these habits can affect the way you feel on the inside. Smoking and bad sleeping habits can not only speed up the aging process, but can also defeat your confidence.

4. Try Skin Care Treatments
Another confidence booster? Treat yourself to skin care treatments, like customized facials. Facials are known for reducing pore size and bacteria levels. And if you’re feeling defeated by acne, schedule a chemical peel appointment at a skincare and laser clinc. Your skin will look radiant and you will feel significantly better about your skin’s health.

At Radiance Medspa, we offer many skin care services to help you look and feel your best. Our specialists know that beauty shines from the inside, and skin care treatments are just one way to help you look and feel your best yet!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Medical Weight Loss Programs: Choose Yours

Let’s face it - losing weight can be easy, but keeping it off can be the tricky part. And sometimes no matter how hard we push ourselves at the gym and keep up with a healthy diet, the weight just keeps coming back.

At Radiance Medspa, we know that slimming down needs to be personalized to your mind, body, and lifestyle. That is why we offer medical weight loss programs - the most effective medical weight loss solution out there. Below are three of the programs we guarantee will help you achieve the body you want and deserve:

Prescription appetite suppressants are designed to curb cravings to help you slim down. Phentermine is one of the most commonly prescribed FDA approved weight loss medications. This form of treatment has been used since 1959 to treat obesity, which is why it is a favorite for many. As with any other weight loss plan, best results are achieved when combine with nutritional counseling, as well as a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Lipotropics (also known as fat burning injections) can prepare your body chemistry for your greatest weight loss plan yet! Lipotropics compounds help catalyse the breakdown of fat during metabolism. At Radiance Medspa, we use B12, Methionine, Inositol, and Choline, which works together to metabolize the fats in your body. Use with a diet and exercise plan, and you’ll be able to achieve the weight you’ve been waiting for!

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
This placental peptide hormone is released during energy and is one of the most desired weight loss plans out there. Dr. Simeons performed decades of research to perfect this hormone regulator, proving that it “resets” the metabolic rates in patients. And as a result, this form of treatment allows your body to utilize the fat as an energy source.

At Radiance Medspa, we have partnered with a food company that has specialized in weight loss for over 30 years. When combined with one of our three medical weight loss programs, you can achieve your best body yet!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tips to Keep Weight Off

Losing weight is usually easy. Keeping weight off is the hard part, and at times you might feel like losing hope. Don’t! If you’re looking to keep your slim figure, we’ve got your simple solutions here:

Keep up with exercise. You don’t need to join a gym to carry through with your fitness efforts. In fact, signing up for other fun activities can motivate you to do more. For example, join a bowling league, take up a new dance class, or find a local group that loves to hike and explore nature.

Eat breakfast. It’s not just a myth! People say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it’s true. Keeping weight off is dependent on balancing your calorie intake throughout the day. So start off your day right with lots of nutrients! For example, oatmeal mixed with fruit and nuts is part of a well-balanced diet.

Join a group. You don’t have to go through weight loss alone! Join a support group or team up with family members to slim down and beat the odds of ever gaining back those lost pounds.

Add more fiber. Create a fiber rich diet if your goal is to keep weight off without sacrificing food. Fiber rich fruits and vegetables are an effective way to help you feel full longer, so you’re less likely to dig into that bag of salty chips or box of double chocolate chip cookies.

For more tips on how to keep weight off, click here.

Of course, the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to join medical weight loss program.  At Radiance Medspa, we offer one of the top Medical Weight Loss Programs to help you lose weight and keep it off for good! Our medically trained staff works with you to achieve your unique goals and is always here to guide you through every step of the process. To learn more about this program, click here.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Microdermal Needling for Perfect Skin

From large pores to stretch marks, there are many skin imperfections that cause us to criticize ourselves. And although we should love our bodies regardless, the specialists at Radiance Medspa know that sometimes we need a little pampering to feel better. That is why we offer micro-dermal needling - the top treatment to help you look and feel radiant. Here’s how it works:

MD Pen
For microdermal needling (aka collagen induction therapy), many specialists use advanced technology like the MD Pen. The MD Pen initiates the body’s natural healing process. It is the most powerful micro needling device in skincare today and works at a rate of 13,500 RPM. Because this device moves so quickly, it helps to minimize damage to the skin as well as pain and discomfort.

Depending upon the patient’s needs, two different types of needles may be chosen - the refined needle (ideal for superficial treatments) and the restore needle (best for treatments on all face and body areas). 

Microdermal Needling causes an increase in the production of collagen and elastin. And on the surface, it allows for the absorption of hyaluronic acid or PRP, ultimately smoothing out, tightening, and lifting the skin.

If you’re looking to banish your skin’s imperfections, microdermal needling might be the answer! It is the perfect solution for anyone looking to diminish wrinkles, photo aging, and pore size. At Radiance Medspa, we offer microdermal needling using the latest innovation in fractional micro needling. To learn more about how what this treatment can do for you, call us at (630) 221-1883.

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Year, New Beauty Routine

If the New Year means being the best version of you, why not pamper your beautiful skin? The secret to radiant skin is all about hydration and protection. As beauty products evolve and your daily routine changes, here is how you can change up your beauty routine for 2016:

Treat your neck. Don’t neglect your neck and chest area just because it’s turtleneck season! Continue to hydrate your decolletage just as you would during the summer months simply by taking advantage of vitamin B3-rich masks as well as facials. 

Purchase a humidifier.
The dry, cold winter air can suck all the moisture out of your skin. Rehydrate by getting a humidifier and using in your home or even in the workplace often. Did we mention it can also double as a fan in the summer months?

Leave blemishes alone.
This year, put behind the bad habit of picking away tiny imperfections. Turns out that imperfections, such as white spots protect your skin from infection and aid in the healing process. Instead, let them heal on their own.

Disinfect everything. From your makeup brushes to the screen on your mobile device, be sure to disinfect everything that comes in contact with your skin. All the oils and bacteria that collects on such objects can cause serious breakouts on your face, so disinfect them with cleansing towelettes.

Make a promise to yourself that you will create the best and most radiant version of yourself by adopting new skincare techniques. And don’t forget to pamper yourself with facial treatments from Radiance Medspa! We believe that everyone’s skin deserves special treatment, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach to help you look and feel nothing short of radiant!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Healthy Food Trends for 2016

Want to slim down and get healthy for 2016? Part of getting in the best shape of your life means keeping up with the latest food trends. Find out some of the latest and greatest ways to lose weight below:

Portion Control. Eating your favorite foods in moderation is key to maintaining a healthy diet. To monitor your breakfast, lunch, and dinner portions more closely, consider preparing your meals in bowls instead of on large dinner plates. This way, you can get your protein, grains, and veggies in the proper proportions.

Seaweed. Kale has been all the rage in recent years, but 2016 will be all about seaweed. Why? Because its benefits are endless! Not only is it good for the skin, but it’s also excellent for your digestive tract, as it contains lots of fiber. Seaweed contains a rich source of minerals that make it a smart alternative to other salty, processed foods and vegetables. Add it to your salad with a hint of soy sauce and ginger juice.

Green Tea. Keep on drinking that traditional green tea, but don’t forget to give Matcha a try. Matcha is a Japanese green tea in powder form that can be mixed into hot water or milk. This alternative is rich in antioxidants and can help you detox your way through 2016.

Yams. Skip that baked potato for a healthier, sweeter option like yams. This root vegetable not only satisfies your taste buds, but is also packed with vitamin B, vitamin C, and potassium. Did we also mention it’s an excellent energy-rich food that can boost your metabolism? After all, a quick metabolism rate is one of the key ingredients to slimming down and staying healthy.

Of course, staying healthy and slimming down means also adding some exercise into your weekly schedule. But sometimes exercise and eating the right foods just doesn’t cut it. If you’re looking for the safest, most efficient way to slim down and stay healthy, then a Medical Weight Loss Program might be the solution for you!

At Radiance Medspa, we offer one of the top Medical Weight Loss Programs to help you lose weight and keep it off for good! Our medically trained staff works with you to achieve your unique goals and is always here to guide you through every step of the process. To learn more about this program, click here.

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

What is a Medical Weight Loss Diet Program?

New Year, new body? We’re right there with you! There’s almost no better resolution than to work towards looking and feeling your best yet! If part of the goal means slimming down, we’ve got your solution: Medical Weight Loss.

What is a Medical Weight Loss Program?
A Medical Weight Loss Program is designed to help you slim down in the most efficient way. It includes the use of healthy food supplements, prescription medications, fat burning lipotropic injections, and educational weight loss counseling. The best part? You can safely lose 3 to 5 lbs per week safely and keep it off!

How does it work?
This program works by implementing new diet foods, products, medications, injections, and diet pills into your lifestyle. All our products are clinically tested and proven to be one of the most effective methods out there. Our medically trained staff works with you to achieve your unique goals and is always here to guide you through every step of the process.

Is it safe?
Absolutely! You will be guided by a physician, nurse practitioner, and a weight loss counselor. They will target your specific needs and goals, because our belief at Radiance Medspa is that everyone’s situation is unique. The laboratory evaluations we perform for your weight loss program will let us know which foods, prescriptions, and treatments are best and safest for you.

Want to learn more about this life changing program? Click here!

At Radiance Medspa, we offer the latest treatments in skincare and body treatments, and can help you achieve your 2016 goals! To learn more about our services, call us at (630) 221-1883.

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Skincare Resolutions for the New Year

New year, new you? If your New Year’s resolution is to be your best self yet, why not start with your skin? Healthy skin means you’ll feel more comfortable and confident in your body.

At Radiance Medspa, we want to help you look and feel radiant as ever! So make the new year all about taking care of your skin and overall health with these four beauty tips for 2016:

1. Quit smoking - Smoking is bad for your health for many reasons. One of those reasons being poor skin. You’ve probably heard that more puffs means more wrinkles and premature aging. The reason? Smoking lowers your body’s source of vitamin C, which means you’re more susceptible to sunburn. So if you've been meaning to put a stop to this bad habit, 2016 is the perfect opportunity to do so!

2. Eat a more balanced diet
- From vitamins to water, there are plenty of ways to adopt a more balanced diet. Eating healthier is a common New Year’s resolution, but if you’re specifically looking for foods that support your skin, try adding more anthocyanin, vitamins, and healthy fats to your diet.

3. Get a better night's sleep - It’s not just a myth! The more rested you are, the more your skin will thank you. The more beauty rest you receive, the less cortisol (stress hormone) your body will produce, which means less inflammation and eczema.

4. Treat your skin - Facial treatments are a wonderful way to reward yourself after a long, hard-working year. Chemical peels, for instance, can rejuvenate your skin and safely treat fine wrinkles without any downtime at all! And custom facials are designed to prevent aging skin and promote the growth of healthy cells and collagen.

At Radiance Medspa, ring in the new year by treating yourself to one of our many facial treatments! We believe that everyone’s skin deserves special treatment, which is why we offer a personalized skincare approach to help you look and feel nothing short of radiant!

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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