
Monday, July 20, 2015

Why You're Not Losing Belly Fat

So you want to slim down this summer, but you’re having trouble shaking off the extra weight. Don’t worry - you’re not alone! Turns out there are plenty of reasons why your belly fat may be hanging around. From your workout routine to your mental health, below are five situations to consider:

You’re aging. Naturally, as you get older your body goes through some changes. And when your body begins to function differently, you may start to realize that it’s difficult to lose weight. For example, metabolic rates for both men and women may begin to slow down, which makes it difficult to shed belly fat. On top of that, women going through menopause might find it tricky to maintain their desired weight, as the production of estrogen and progesterone slow down.

You’re not doing the right workout. While getting older inevitably leads to changes in the body, the good news is that you can fight it! Working out is one of the best ways to achieve weight loss - just make sure you’re doing the right kind of fitness. Don’t make the mistake of believing you can slim down just by running. In order to get your abs in shape, you need a combination of cardiovascular and weight training

You’re eating the wrong fats. Eating fats can be good for the body, as long as you’re eating the right ones. Saturated fats, like the kinds found in meat and dairy can increase visceral fat. On the other hand, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as avocado, omega-3, and salmon can have anti-inflammatory effects on your body, ultimately helping you to lose weight. Be wary, though, as eating too much of any type of fat can work against you. Rule of thumb is to keep everything in moderation!

You’re too stressed. From strict deadlines to taking care of the kids, high levels of stress can make it harder for you to shed those unwanted pounds. And even if you eat a healthy diet, you can still experience the effects of cortisol, a stress hormone that can increase the amount of fat your body hangs onto. So, if you’re taking on too much stress, you’ll benefit from brainstorming ways to either take some off your plate or handle it in a healthy manner.

You’re not getting enough sleep. Catching more Z’s isn’t just about being able to wake up the next morning, it’s also about preventing weight gain. If you sleep less than six hours a night, you might find it more difficult to slim down your waistline. In fact, the National Institute of Health suggests that adults should sleep an average of seven to eight hours per night. Are you falling behind on sleep? If so, then you’ll benefit from catching up starting today!

Doing all the right things, but still not losing belly fat? It’s not always easy, but luckily there are alternatives! At Radiance Medspa, our specialists can help! We offer Permanent Fat Reduction treatments, perfectly tailored to give you the waistline you’ve been dreaming of.

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information.

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