
Monday, June 22, 2015

Sunscreen Dos and Don'ts

Summer is here, which means you’ve probably already gone shopping for a new bottle of sunscreen. With the amount of sunscreen on the shelves, it’s no wonder so many people struggle to choose the right kind for them. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn't use any at all.

At Radiance Medspa, we are dedicated to helping you keep your skin healthy, which is why we’ve compiled the following list of things to look for when picking up sunscreen:

DON’T buy oxybenzone or vitamin A.
There are a few chemicals found in sunscreens, like oxybenzone and retinyl palmitate (vitamin A), that you’ll want to avoid. Oxybenzone is a chemical that seeps through the skin and produces free radicals, which attack DNA cells. Similar to oxybenzone, vitamin A can pose a danger once exposed to UV sunlight as it also produces harmful free radicals.

DO buy zinc oxide.

One of the safest ingredients on the shelves! Unlike oxybenzone, zinc oxide doesn’t penetrate the skin, which means it protects you against UVA and UVB rays. This ingredient can be found in mineral sunscreens, which is a product you should absolutely look for this summer!

DON’T buy sprays.

They may be easy to apply, but they can be incredibly toxic to your health. Because the products in these aerosol sprays are easily released into the air, you’re at a high risk of inhaling dangerous chemicals. Even the FDA has expressed their concern over this type of sunblock, so you’re better off skipping it to be on the safe side.

DO reapply often.
For prevent sunburns, you should reapply every two to three hours, especially if the UV rays are very high. And don’t let waterproof sunscreen trick you - these also need to be reapplied often as well since they wash off more easily than most people expect.

For more dos and don’ts of sunscreen, please click here.

If you already suffer from sun damage, the facial treatments at Radiance Medspa can restore beautiful, healthy skin! We offer a personalized approach to skincare because we believe that everyone's skin is unique. Schedule your free consultation here and receive $50 off your initial Radiance Treatment Package.

Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information

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