
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

3 Reasons to Drink Water

Can you guess what the second most popular drink is these days? With Americans carrying bottled water everywhere, the answer is obvious. It’s been suggested that drinking eight glasses of water a day will keep you healthy because the benefits are so huge. There are plenty of reasons to drink water. Here’s a few:

1. It maintains the balance of body fluids. Water is essential for body functions - digestion, circulation, absorption, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and so forth. Your body is 60% water and you need to keep that percentage up. When you’re low on fluids, the brain tells the body’s thirst mechanism. This is your cue to pour yourself a drink!

2. It can help control calories. One of the top weight loss strategies? Drinking water, and lots of it. While there’s no magic to this method, using it as a substitute for soda and other high calorie beverages will help. Believe it or not, water is filling and can lessen your calorie intake. Water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables are just as beneficial!

3. It keep skin looking good. Is your skin dry and wrinkled? There’s a good chance you’re dehydrated. The solution is simple: “lock” moisture into the skin using moisturizer drink more water. When you drink more water, your kidneys can take over again and excess fluids that were lost, bringing your skin back to life!

Learn more about the benefits of drinking water by clicking here.

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Established in 2006, Radiance Medspa is located in Wheaton, IL. Visit our website for more information or connect with us on social media.

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